Spray Park Involvement Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our involvement survey. The purpose of this is to gauge interest in not only whether people still want a new spray park, but also if they’re willing to lend a hand in making it possible.

Where we’re at

The park as it stands today might have 2-5 years left in it. While opening for the 2019 season does seem very likely, we must remain aware that the park can be subject to some costly breakdowns given its age. The option of keeping it alive indefinitely with repairs is only going to be viable for a short time longer.

Currently we have an estimate to do demolition of the current park and add the full replacement for approximately $330,000. We have been granted a casino, but our challenge will be generating volunteers to staff it (which is one of the main purposes of this survey). If we can successfully participate in the casino, then we will be able to raise enough money to purchase the new park (and the rules state the money can only be used for this purpose). If we are unable to run the casino, there’s no realistic way of funding a new spray park.

As it stands today fees are $73/year and our goal is to keep them at that level. If they needed to rise, the maximum we are able to raise them would be to $100/year.

The Survey

Below we have a survey to gauge how willing you are to help with the rebuilding of the park, and we need your honest opinion. Our last survey focused mainly on whether you were supportive or not. This one is quite a bit more important, and we’d like you to answer as truthfully as you can. Please know if you answer that you’d be willing to help we WILL be contacting you.

Survey rules:

  • We will be asking for contact information regardless of your answer, and failure to provide it will render your survey results invalid. We will not contact you further unless you provide the consent to do so.
  • Multiple entries will be ignored
  • Participants must not have outstanding fees

Thank you very much for your participation!


999 Somerset Dr. SW
Calgary, AB
P: (403) 807-8736
F: (403) 201-5565