Dear fellow members of the Somerset Residents Association.
We can hardly wait for the construction of the new water park! The timing isn’t the best, but it will be happening this year in late July or August. Again we apologize for this interruption, but a $1.6 MILLION waterpark project takes time and patience.
Again , I’ll remind everyone that we had a catastrophic water main break over the winter that rendered our waterpark inoperable. The repairs would have been very costly and would then have been undone with new construction about to start.
We (the volunteer Board of Directors) would like to kindly remind everyone that abuse/harassment in e-mails, facebook chats, or phone calls to our Board of Directors is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Just to be crystal clear, we aren’t hoarding your annual fees. We have invested them for a new $1.6 million dollar waterpark.
Please express your concerns and ask questions in a kind and respectful manner.
Furthermore, please take a moment to check Facebook posts for announcements and the website regarding important updates before writing emails or calling to complain. The information to most questions can be found there.
Finally, if anyone feels that they are better able to manage this Residents Association or would like to contribute to our community in a helpful way, please reach out to us and join our volunteer Board of Directors. We would greatly appreciate your expertise, knowledge, and dedication to our community.
Thank you and have a safe and enjoyable summer.