Waterpark Update

The waterpark is currently not open as The City of Calgary does testing to every outdoor facility before they are able to open.  The City of Calgary water main break which was unscheduled and unexpected causing the testing not to be able to be done when initially...

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2024-2025 PARK FEES DUE

Invoices for the 2024 - 2025 season were just mailed out the week of June 10th.  Fees are $73.50 and due without penalty interest by July 31, 2024.  Payment can be made through the website and can be paid with just a Somerset address for registration purposes. The...

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Pay Your Fees Online

Pay your fees online using any major credit card (via paypal).

Request Lawyer Fee Forms

In need of lawyer fee forms? They can be easily requested here.

News Archive

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Park Involvement Survey

We need your help to determine how committed our residents are to help us rebuild the park. Please take the survey today and be involved in the process!

999 Somerset Dr. SW
Calgary, AB
P: (403) 807-8736
F: (403) 201-5565