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Somerset Residents Association


Date: November 19th, 2013

Location: South Fish Creek Recreation Complex

 Time: 7:30 p.m. 

Note: The Somerset Residents Association -SRA- is dedicated to maintain and operate the Somerset Town Square (Waterpark) and the green spaces at the Entranceways to the Somerset Community and it is not related to the Somerset-Bridlewood Community Association


  • Somerset Town Square is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in the S.W. community of Somerset.
  • It was established by Genstar in 1994 and turned over to the Somerset Residents Association (SRA) in 2002.
  • Because the land is still owned by the City of Calgary, it is open for public use and cannot be fenced.
  • The City maintains the trees and pathways, and provides the SRA with a grant for lawn care.


  • The park covers about seven acres.
  • It contains: 2 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts (one tween size), 3 children’s playgrounds, waterpark, 6 picnic tables, open green space and public washrooms.
  • From Victoria Day to the end of June, the waterpark is open on weekends only. Afterward, it is open daily up until Labour Day.

You can see a satellite view at Google maps.