With the current Covid Restrictions we are looking to host the AGM via Zoom this year.  Once we have the link details we will post the information closer to the AGM date.  As notice was provided we wish to confirm the AGM is being held October 26, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. ...

July 1 Update

Dear fellow members of the Somerset Residents Association. We can hardly wait for the construction of the new water park! The timing isn’t the best, but it will be happening this year in late July or August. Again we apologize for this interruption, but a $1.6...

Playground Construction Update

We have been able to obtain the following approximate timeline for the new playground in the Somerset Towne Square. Old playground is currently being removed.  Calgary Parks will begin their portion of the site preparation on July 9th. The playground installer will...

June 2021 Update

1) Replacement of the older playgrounds has started.  Please be mindful of your space around the construction sites. 2) Waterpark construction project is out for RFP (Request for Proposal). In other words, we’re choosing a company to build the new park. This...

Somerset Waterpark Update – May 2021

Just a quick update on the progress with the water park renewal project and bathroom upgrades.   1) AHS has given approval of the design which is great news!   2) We have had to apply for a DSSP (Development Site Servicing Plan) as the filtration system will...